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Taking Stock: September 2023

 No one reads blogs in 2023. That makes it so freeing to come here, dust this old blog and post something that only one random reader in Kazakhstan will read. Here goes!

Making: my bed every morning, and getting a lot of joy from that.

Cooking Marinating: Fish and chicken since my nanny does most of the cooking.

Drinking: Water. I've kept up the good habit of drinking lots of water since having Mutana. You need lots of water when pregnant and when breastfeeding, and I suppose just in general as a human. It took me 29 years to built this habit!

Reading: All The Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr and I have just now realized that it's been made into a film, so guess who now has something to watch over the weekend / on my long upcoming plane rides?!

Wanting: Cute floral dresses. Preferably matching ones with Mutana.

Looking: out for any chocking hazards on every surface.

Playing: Peekaboo, making faces and weird farty sounds with Mutana.

Wasting: very little in this Nabii's economy

Sewing: nothing, except repairing the odd pair of pants whose seam starts to stretch

Wishing: for love, good health, laughter and joy to all my loved ones.

Enjoying: evening walks, whenever I can manage

Waiting: for 1 p.m. to go feed Mutana and get lunch myself

Liking: A lot of vanilla scents

Wondering: what parenting a toddler will be like

Loving: My favorite dude & the best baby who ever baby-ed

Hoping: To enjoy my first work trip away from Mutana without feeling mum guilt

Marveling: At how quickly babies grow!

Needing: Food in my tummy!

Smelling: Fresh air. It's been raining lately and I love when that cleans the dust from the air

Wearing: My every day mum uniform when at home: tights, a t-shirt and throwing on a cardigan to look serious on calls.

Following: Lots of parenting content, especially on responsive parenting

Noticing: How more at ease and les anxious I am lately

Knowing: how well and completely loved I am (still!)

Thinking: of how blessed I truly am as I go about taking stock

Feeling: Super grateful for everything in my life. I have a healthy happy daughter who delights me, a loving partner, a great job, good health...

Bookmarking: Newsletters to read, which I never get around to reading.

Opening: Tabs to shop for babies clothes online but wondering if tax and shipping will justify it.

Giggling: At Mutana's babbles, which sound almost like full on conversations with her nanny.


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