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Cheers to the New Year

Yeah!!! Its finally here.

I once wrote here that I have a copy of 2012, the movie in Blu-ray to watch and laugh, hard, in 2013. I suppose tonight as I wait for midnight I’ll be sorted. I guess a bunch of you will be doing mundane things like partying hard, getting drunk, making New Year resolutions, attending prayer meetings and making out with the nearest person when the clock strikes midnight. By all means, do what you must to make the leap into the new year memorable for you.

Seeing as you are reading this... and I am writing it, it goes without saying that my well-meaning advice on how to survive a zombie apocalypse was a total waste. We’re still here... at least most of us. With no definite end in sight for humanity I suppose we should continue with our given purposes in life; trying to better ourselves and the like. My mom gave herself a head start on the whole ‘new year resolutions’ thing this year. She’s wanted to start a business of sorts for as long as I can remember. We’d settled on a mini-mart but any such hopes were dashed when dad relocated us to this armpit of civilization called Kamulu. Fortunately it seems as if the people here have a high affinity for cereals because despite having an already well established cereals shop in the area my mom seems to get an endless stream of customers. No matter that she drove me to social suicide by using my childhood pet name as the name of her store. And yes, the name will remain redacted from this post and any subsequent works of art by yours truly.

But I digress. My point was that New Year resolutions are irrelevant, other than to make one feel like more of a failure when they don’t keep them. If you seek something and the timing feels right, seize it... there and then. Don’t wait for January 1st.  I suppose I am not the best person to give my opinion about such things seeing as I am skinny and free of any alcohol, drugs or sexual addictions that I know of. But I have a bunch of stuff I want to change in my life and I've learnt that the best way is to find a good enough reason to make all that trouble worth my while. In short, I mean that you need to find an inspiration... an anchor that will keep you in line.

I suppose that 2013 will be quite something. As Kenyans we’ll have an endless supply of unscripted comedy from our politicians as we prepare to go to the polls. More so now that we don’t have to worry about our TV signals being switched off due to our reluctance to join the digital migration. Personally, other than for the entertainment factor I think Kenyan politics is 90% BS... which makes my choice for president so much easier when I only have 2 or 3 serious candidates to consider. So while the yapping continues I will busy myself with the new music and movies that I know 2013 will bring. 2012 has been like a year long Christmas for an Indie Rock enthusiast like me. And Hollywood has played its part in making this girl happy for most of the year by doing special things like finally settling the age old dispute on who’s cooler: Batman or Superman. I believe TDKR settled that for us amicably.

Other than the loud political opinions that I foresee in 2013 and the general weariness that is the life of a 19-soon-to-be-20 year old, I have a really good feeling about 2013. I feel much bolder, more alive and open to possibilities and opportunities.

Cheers to 2013, and to the people who’ll be fortunate enough to have me in it!!!


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